Qolsys IQR-PG PowerG Secondary Panel 7" LCM 1024 X 600 Resolution, Wi-Fi 802.11ac Dual Band 2.4GHz & 5GHzQOLSYS INC | IQR-PG
7" LCM 1024 X 600 Resolution, Wi-Fi 802.11ac Dual Band 2.4GHz & 5GHz, PowerG Radio
Remotely arm and disarm your system with the PowerG secondary panel. The long distance panel can work at distances up to over 4,000 ft. This is perfect for outbuildings, medal buildings and partitioning your Qolsys IQ4 panel into a security powerhouse.
Qolsys IQR-PG PowerG Secondary Panel 7"
SKU: SKU 79253