The SpyFinder Pro is a lightweight battery powered device that allows you to quickly identify and locate a camera by using an array of ultra-bright LED's. When the camera is found it is highlighted to the user, where it appears as a flickering bright spot of light. The SpyFinder will find any hidden camera transmitting or not. It’s so small you can carry it in your purse, suitcase or briefcase to have it with you at all time.The SpyFinder Pro is simple to use yet extremely effective for finding hidden cameras. Are you concerned about privacy when renting a hotel room, AirBnB or apartment?
There are many stories in the news today sighting just these types of privacy intrusions. Other types of intrusions are in dressing rooms, tanning beds and public toilets.
Spy Finder Pro - SF-103P Hidden Camera Finder
SKU: SKU 78496